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About Me 

BSocSc (Hons), Lifelong Poet, Permaculturalist, Certified Ecotherapy Guide & Coach

​I am Farrah (joy) Theresa (to-gather) = Joy Gatherer ! With my Rising Sign in Cancer , the world see's my nurturance, creativity and joy and hidden in my Scorpio Moon shadow there was once heavy doubt, depression, anxiety, inertia and deep seated feelings of ‘not being enough’. Have you ever fed your shadow a little too much?  Where have you let your wild be dampened? By self / by the world? 


After a lifetime of stuffing myself into a box, muffling my voice and trying to 'fit in', I experienced two dramatic ankle injuries (both trying to be something other than myself) and one venomous snake bite (again for not paying attention to my intuition), and still I couldn't seem to 'hear' the message that was being told to me. 


It wasn't until I had sung my 30th+ performance that I truly FELT IT, that I CAN CREATE MAGICK and that I feel most alive, most aligned when I am singing, creating, moving my body or playing outside. My inner child is glowing now. My present goddess is standing tall.   All this time, my doubt and my injuries were asking me to choose myself, to see the mirror my community held up for me (my Cancer rising!), and embrace the fullness of being gifted this radical opportunity to BE ALIVE and to BE RYTHMIC. 

The Snake-energy that lives in me reminds me EVERY DAY to feed my creativity through music, dance, poetry and the-more-than-human-world (more commonly known as ‘nature’). To listen to the guidance of my heart and not my rationalising, distracted thoughts.

I have learnt to soak myself in the spirit of the elements (trees, water, sky , sun) and to pick up my instruments and to  trust my gift of intuitive song, following that clear rhythm of who I am, reminding myself of my own drum-beat every awe inspiring moment I bring myself into presence and gratitude of being alive.


Behind our masks, our ‘truest bold self’ is singing a familiar song that we can hear if we learn to unveil ourselves , We each have a birthright to feel the guidance intuitive, lush, bright and euphoric freedom. Our light needs our shadow. We must learn to ride the song-line of our lives so that we can thrive in resonance with all-things. 


I look forward to going on this journey with you, let us drum, sing, write and sense your way back to you; it is time for the world to meet you and for you to meet the world.

About Me: About Me
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