​I am Farrah Theresa. Poet, Eco Therapeutic Guide, Sound Alchemist and Community Weaver.
I have been become a humble student to the voices of the elements in the place of my birth , South Africa, my travels across the world and in my new home on the unceded territories of the Sḵwx̱wú7mesh Nation in so called BC, Canada. I have learnt to pick up my instruments (piano, pen, voice, book, seeds...) in the trust that song and poetry will always follow the clear rhythm of who I am and who and what I am in service to you. I am grateful you are here.
In my pursuit of devotional creativity I am dedicated to helping other creatives find their drum-beat in this life through poetry, sound and connection with the more-than-human-world.
Let us go on this journey together. Let us drum, sing, write and sense your way back to your truth; it is time for the world to meet you and for you to meet the world.